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Goodbye 2010 and Say Hi to 2011

so fast it was a year past, 2010 was past and now is 1st Jan of 2011.
don't know why i don't really have the feeling of it's 2011 now....
I mean, it's not excited anymore. maybe college life makes me cold blood?
like what i use to feel a day live like a month, seriously.
really grow up a lot , past through a lot experience.
I remembered i met him in this day, the 1st of Jan on 2010, we past through a lot in between. Now already 2011.
The first time i met Khalil Fong and all the fans club members. we had a lot memories, the first time drove to KLIA just to see Khalil Fong, bought my first VIP ticket concert for Khalil Fong. first time i really really really really stress for assignment and sleepless semester! i guess it was the starbuck year too, we drank the most most most in 2o1o. i had my first car accident in 2010 who the driver was me, and drove to police station for report. I participate on those competition in 2010 too.

2010 was a year that seems like short yet things really happened a lot in between. I learned a lot in 2010, i knew i'm getting bigger... should say i'm going to be 20 o_____________O
I would like to make a wish for the beginning of 2011, which is pass all the subject all semester with flying colors and may what i'm hoping for being real.....

BYE 2010.....



as title, not lazy to write but lazy to upload photo.
i mean transfer photo into laptop then choose and upload.
i'm so lazy recently!!!!
haiz, the photo of the couple shooting still haven't done yet.
my final assignment didn't post up to show you guys.
4 days working photo didn't upload too.
monday BBQ with friends photosssssssssssssssss, tuesday gathering with aaron and college friendssss, wednesday which is my big day photosssss, today photossssssssssssss and all the activities too!!!
now only i realized i had missed out so damn many things didn't blog.
i shall blog it tomorrow!!!!!!! perhaps!!!!!!!



今天第一天在leisure mall 新開張的rotiboy做工,其實我們的工作只是promote,做4天而已。
但是感覺自己真的老了,別人才17,18 出來做工,我竟然19了 o____O
聽到他們說等著SPM成績,我的反應就是 o__________O 感覺我的SPM好像過了很久..
可能在 The One 讀書真的一天如一個月啊!!!!
因為蹲的廁所的flash都壞了,所以不給用。可是其中一個清潔工給我用,教我怎樣開門鎖門,然後叫我記得用水喉沖水。原因為甚麼她對我那麼好 ???
我想應該是第一輪我進廁所時,有一個清潔工完全睡在洗手盆上,然後我出去時看到另一個清潔工,看到她望著他睡覺的朋友然後無奈的笑時,我就說 macam ni pun boleh tidur ke??? 然後她就無奈的對我笑笑。過後我去廁所她都特別照顧我 o____O
可能很少人會跟他們說話的呢,唉,我的馬來文雖然很差,但是還是溝通的來啦。但是還是會跟馬來人說說話說回英文 o____O



放假了,就自然會變回宅女 o____O
雖然以前就算沒有放假也整個宅女了,只是到了college才開始比較out going.
從中一就開始看漫畫的我,到現在仍然改不掉這個習慣。可以說半份身家都給了漫畫了 o___O
家裡漫畫多到不懂要放那裡了,算起來都有幾百本了。有些漫畫追到一半都沒在追了,有些就出到一半不出了。所以以前會比較喜歡買一本做完了,不用擔心看不完故事。 不知不覺就開始只買喜歡的漫畫家的書,出去看漫畫都只留意畫家的名字去買。很少會去買不認識的畫家的書了,偶爾看到畫的蠻美的,故事名字蠻吸引我的,就會去買吧。
常常會有不少帥氣的男主角出現,總覺得在漫畫里的男主角們都被畫的太好了。除了畫的帥氣之外,就是性格方面。性格不一定特別好,但總是在遇到女主角後會變得很好。最重要應該是裡面的男主角都不花心,就算以前花心,在遇到女主角後就改變了之類的。漫畫畫的男主角太完美了會讓別人覺得真實世界的男生很差 o___O

男朋友類型 T__________________T

我果然還是喜歡穿校服的 T_________T

這個是另一本的男主角- 羽原光輝,雖然不是甚麼特別,性格也不是我大愛他那種,但是他對女主很專一!

在我還沒有喜歡剛才第一個介紹的男主角前喜歡的男主角-宮本佑一朗,他的性格也是超合我胃口的!!現在我還是比較喜歡第一個~ hahahaha





今天我看回以前的部落格,裡面記載了很多很多讓我成長的事,有開心的也有難過的。當然難過的佔據了比較多。我相信一個人成熟不是看年齡的,那天在電台聽到一個男人打電話上去說自己可以接受姐弟戀,反而不能接受跟他同年或者小過他的,因為childish。 我覺得幼稚的是他怎麼會有這種以年齡和表面上的想法。 我相信一個人經歷的越多就會變得成熟,而不是以年齡去看。當然也得看是在那一方面的成熟。

但是無論多成熟得人,在面對愛情就不再是成熟或不成熟了。多麼成熟得人也得對愛情低頭,不是嗎? 有時真的覺得自己很傻,被騙已不是第一次,常常叫自己不要那麼容易就相信別人,卻還是辦不到。我真的覺得心軟跟相不想信別人真的很有聯繫,如果不心軟,就不會那麼容易選擇去相信別人。為甚麼我還是那麼的傻,會去相信他說的話啊?為甚麼以前要欺騙我,現在也要欺騙我?我真的那麼好騙嗎?





我看我那麼容易相信別人的性格是改不了,稍微心疼我的人,應該不捨得騙我吧? 所以騙我的人,根本不值得我去難過。


deadline deadline deadline

just a little bit update here....
All the assignment deadline are around the corner!!!! Almost every day have to stay at college until 12am do rush assignment. only have very limit time for sleeping....
5 times starbucks last week o_______O it's really crazy!
but seems like coffee not really work on me anymore... a little bit sore throat because drank too much of coffeeeeee, but if don't drink really can't stand for so long.

pimples pimples pimples....dark eye circles dark eye circles dark eye circles....eye bag eye bag eye bag....
all the midnight ghost friend came together ~~~~~~
i guess i need to drink more water, more moremore!!
but the washroom at college are not so clean, i don't like to go the washroom that near lab. but if want to go for the better one have to walk along the corridorrrrrrrr, is so far~~~
haiz haiz haiz~~~


childhood, harry potter~

最近facebook流行了放profile picture 去自己小時候很喜歡的卡通人物。其實小時候看得卡通真的很多,比如說doraemon,蠟筆小新啊,pokemon啊,以前cartoon network 很多的卡通都有看,還有到現在還很好笑的生活系列south park! 很多很多很多啦~~~
就好像這個,south park里得harry potter!!


最近看回harry potter,以前出第一集的時候有去戲院看過,之後的都沒有看了。現在看回去,那可以跟著我一起長大的戲丫~ 從小學生到現在,還是小時候的daniel比較可愛。總覺得那時候他的笑容比較純真,現在長大了,就没有了那时候那个笑容的感觉了~想想回去自己小時候,也是想笑就笑,而且是打從心裡真正的笑出來啊!



yea, have to admitted that recently because watching harry potter series so got addicted of it. 
this movie famous because it's really quite addicted.



3 weeks or 2 weeks

ahhhhhhhhh, assignments deadline are somewhere around the corner!!!!
3D rendering 6 views haven't touch yet, didn't really start yet. only built the wall T____________T
Final model haven't built yet!!!! moodboard presentation this friday~~~ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ISS exam very scare~~~ detailing class very blur ~~



最近變得勤勞啦~~ 幾乎每天都blog了,應該是無聊,有功課不想做,太多東西想,太多道流星道理分享,太多心事但是說不出寫不出所以會想起blog~ 好吧,今天的分享是要說給很多個妳看!

其實別人整容又怎樣? 她們整容得罪妳了嗎?有時候看到一些女生長得抱歉卻還要把自己的照片上傳去網站分享時,又會被網友攻擊,說長成那樣,至少照個鏡子,不然就去整整吧? 之類的。好啦,某些女生整了後,就說別人假,整容的,可能五官隨時掉下來~~bla bla bla

那麼說說看我們當紅的angela寶貝,身邊聽到的幾乎10個有9個是說她整容的。相信她的只有那些真的喜歡她,支持她的人。幾乎全世界的人都會覺得她超級美,簡直像仙女一樣,但是同時很多人都會說,整的?喜歡來幹嘛?妳妒忌一個plastic girl幹嘛? 問題是妳那裡知道她是整的啦?是她親口告訴你的嗎?還是妳只是從網上看回來的啊? 別人說得妳就相信了,本人否認你就覺得她騙人?拜託,那些所謂的別人會比本人清楚嗎?網絡的東西能信多少? 只要稍微別人妒忌你的美,用photoshop改一改照片上傳上網說她是整的,你就去相信了? 用腦想想吧,photoshop能夠讓人變美自然也能夠讓人變醜。試問自己,如果有一天別人把你的照片放上網說妳整容,但其實你沒有,妳怎麼想?難過嗎?就算妳再怎麼澄清,不會有人相信妳。或許妳也會想,只要自己是真的,是清白的幹嘛去在乎? 問題現在在於妳的小心靈能夠支撐世界幾千萬人對你指指點點嗎?出街全部人看到妳都說你是整的,妳會有一天不變瘋的嗎?我還害怕甚至有人過不到自己那關去自殺了呢~ 

比如,A先生被傳喜歡B小姐,當別人去問A先生是否如此,A先生回答沒有,但是就是會一直追問,追問到連妳也幫他想了,是的A先生根本就是喜歡B小姐的,幹嘛一直否認? 其實不是也被你們說成是啦? 相反,A先生回答是的,我喜歡B小姐時,人們不會去懷疑,不會一直再追問是否真的喜歡,只會說我就知道啊,我早就猜到,你看你承認了等等。


雖然還有很多人不相信,只能說妳們是妒忌了。翻下舊相簿看回自己舊照片,妳也會有想打自己的衝動!!! 身邊很多朋友跟以前長得不太像,難道她也去整容了?為甚麼你們不會懷疑?只因為她們都不像angela寶貝那麼出眾?就連妳們自己看回自己以前的照片也會覺得自己以前跟現在不太像啦~那麼簡單道理是不會?想不到?還是完全不想去承認她不是整的?

我寫這篇東西不是偏幫angela寶貝,而是想妳們以另一個方式去看待這件事情。不要別人說是你就也說是,或許對你而言是很小件事情,因為自由言論所以你可以說的有多難聽就多難聽,但是妳有想過如果她真的不是,都被妳們說到是的時候的感受。別說是整容,之前gillian和edison的事也是,如果人們肯不提不理這件事,事情不會搞得那麼大。如果gillian不是能夠堅持下去,妳們就害死一個人了。如果這些事情有天發生在自己身上,你能夠承受嗎? 每個人都會做錯,你是你的事情沒被公開而已。想想吧,少說一句,或許世界會美好些。

最後,人長大都會改變。無論樣貌還是性格或想法,別人受到挫折學到的肯定比起那些只會用嘴巴去說別人得人來的多...如果你一輩子都只會看到甚麼說甚麼,看到甚麼做甚麼,連答案也幫別人想完了的那種人,你的想法一輩子都不會改變。就算你年紀大了,也不代表你會想 or 成熟。 






而何謂第三十六個故事?就是裡面當中其中一個客人帶了三十五個不同國家的香皂想要交換別人能夠幫他寫出不同的情書。而他會告訴朵兒和薔兒每個香皂的故事~ 朵兒總會在聽了故事後用畫的去畫出香皂的故事。最後故事講完了,圖畫畫完了,那個人竟然說不換了,把香皂都帶走連同圖畫也一起拿走~




你... 想換什麼呢?


dream.memories.miss you

had a weird dream yesterday night, i don't know why it makes me don't want to wake up,just like i want to keep continue dreaming the story. The ancient people said:" the people appear inside your dream is because he/she miss you; because he/she miss you, so they appear in your dream." Sounds so weird right? Usually we will think that is because we miss somebody so we dream them. The dream is really weird. I still can remembered the dream, but not all just a part of it and the scene that i don't want to see. It's wake me up actually, and i wanna continue to see how the story goes. Frankly, i'm so selfish that i don't want it to happen in real life. I feel the pain inside the dream, the scene that i saw. The dream makes me feel moody and weird for the whole day, i just can't stop thinking and recalling about it. I don't know why i so care about it, but it keeps running on my mind whole day. I think i miss you.

Today i found back a person that i want to find for long long long long time. I was so happy that i found him but seems like he didn't play facebook, hope i can contact him since the account seems not on use anymore. We knew each other since i'm 14. I can't imagine that i lost contact with him around 5 years already. I had a lot funny and childish memory with him, since that time i was so young. He is a nice guy a good friend. Really a lots memory there, unfortunately some i can't even remember. I remembered he called me once between this 2 years, he said he was in KL now. Oh yea, he is from Miri,Sarawak. We knew each other through friendster last time.
Some times i have to admit that most of my friends now are from internet. We knew each other from net, had to admit that they are more real than those you know in the real world sometimes. Hope i can contact him back and i really miss him. I think i will cry if i can't contact him back T__________T

Last, i miss khalil fong too!!!


i HATE menstruation period

Menstruation is really driving MOST of the girl to crazy max~~ I guess no girl will like to have it yet we had to =__________=
First, we can't even know when it will come, even if we know the date, we know how to count, we know is around which day, it's just useless! It won't really come accurately. Some times when you think it's around the corner so you put the sanitary pad but damn it, you wasted one of it. Of course, it's not cheap. On the other hand, when you think still not the time yet who knows, it's came and if you didn't prepare any sanitary pad, then byebye.... ask for classmate, colleague, friends or the worst thing, put tissue first~ and so, 1 underwear gone and if you love that underwear of maybe that's is branded, then cry ba....

One of the thing is i think guy should try to understand more from their girlfriend or maybe some friends. At least you could get the knowledge and how pity when girls having menstruation period. I remember that time i went to Hong Kong with my parents and my parents's friend family. They got 2 sons and both of them bring girlfriend along. That time we just checked in to the hotel,after that the uncle told us meet up at lift area after 10 minutes then go for dinner. So we meet up at lift area, but wait for a period of time, his elder son and his girlfriend haven't come out. His father started to whine and knock their door, they asked us go first then will come to us later but we decided to wait them at lobby. So when all of us get into the lift, and the uncle whining and scolding inside the lift. We all are like o___O innocent? hahaha...nobody dare to say the uncle back but my mum did. Because we knew that his son girlfriend having menstruation period and have to do some clean up so 10 minutes was not enough. I believe girls hate having menstruation period when traveling, is just fucking annoying!! So the uncle complaint said you girl don't know want meh? having menstruation period should prepare earlier de ma..ha, now make whole world waiting for her. you girls so mafan bla bla bla inside the lift and of course i'm damn angry that time but i didn't said anything because i need to respect him =____= so i keep on silent until my mum say him back. Tell him you think so easy ah? this kind of thing we also can't predict, all not accurate 1, we also dont know when will come de ma....then we all girls inside say yea yea yea....hahahaha

So i think guys should understand more about it and shows some respect too. Of course i'm not asking you guys to be little man while your girlfriend or wife having menstruation period, just atleast don't say them mafan or blame on them. They don't want to be like this too. Just at least try to understand that kind of trouble already make all the GIRLS crazy. Let's try to imagine when your girlfriend already in the crazy mood, it's okie that you didn't concern about it or care about it, but on the contrary you still blame on her and say very mafan, how she feel?

Frankly, i admit i will be damn bad temper when having menstruation period. Imagine sometimes it's just like a waterfall when you are working, studying, or doing some outdoor thing. It's make you so uncomfortable and will start to worry whether will full or not. Can't wear white pants, scare will overload in a situation that you didn't realized and all the people saw it. Usually i have to use the long sanitary pad even in the morning. 28cm, 30cm,35cm +++ when comes to the night, i even have to use 40cm and add tissue behind just to protect my bed. Can't sleep well because keep worrying whether it's will spread out to bed or blanket. It's really pity.... of course most of the girl will have menstruation period pain and some even can't get down from bed. Imagine girls have to suffer like this since they are 13,14 or even some 11,12 ....

Oh ya, if guys wanna know the feeling of it, i got an idea. You can go and get 1 of the sanitary pad and wet it put on your underwear for whole day, see nice or not? But of course you all can't really feel much because yours are fixed liquid level but us are keep increasing. I hope guys when you read this, try to understand and concern about your girlfriend about this. Don't say they are so mafan, don't blame on them... Maybe some of the girls will get angry easily when having menstruation period, but if you treat her nicely and concern about her when having menstruation period, i don't think they will get angry of it.

Lastly, having menstruation period are really FUCKING ANNOYING AND TROUBLING ME!!!!!!


F.My Life

life sucks!!! Totally sucks!!! Assignment driving me crazy all the way from the beginning of the semester until now, the middle and i stuck there!!! Concept? feeling? design? hotel? autocad? 3d? detail? lineweight? section? system? water and waste? I'm so tired of all these!! My life just got messed up because of college assignment, &*%^#$^%&%$. Even i go for movie, go exercise, go photoshooting,  seems like so enjoyed but still,damn it, those THINGS just keep run cycling my mind!!! I'M SO TIRED OF IT!!!!

I have to do housework as well, everyday repeat and repeat, repeat and repeat. I just hope that somebody could able to help me on, i didn't said i don't wanna do it,  what i want is just somebody could share with me. Sometime, i just too tired about it. I didn't blame, everything i just try to swallow and swallow, and pretend i'm fine?

Mom scold me about using too much money, i just kept quiet. Everything needs money, what can i do? just stay at home all the time and go college? She just give me RM10 when i got class, and i have to eat. Sometimes wanna eat kfc also have to think thrice. How about movies? dagei? everything needs money, and i didn't work, how i get the money? Is it that my wallet will grow money itself or my bank account will increase money everyday??? It's okie because i'm not going complaint. because those are spending on entertainment so i should pay all myself. I can just go find a job, why not? But then, housework? who gonna to do it? still me !!!!! i get used to it!! i went for work, they don't even wanna help me on it, shirts all collect back just throw on the sofa. So i have to do all this things when i get home from work, they don't even know how tired i am!!! That time i went to friend's house do assignment for whole week, and those shirtsssssssssss just all throw on the sofa!!! Imagine about it, 6 peoples in a house, and there are a week of shirtsssssssss on the sofa waiting for me. I didn't even sleep for 24 hours in a week, even i burn midnight oil for 2 days. I'm just working hard on assignment, i did. I swear i really work so hard on it! why???? because i wanna get better result, i don't want to waste you all money to let me study and i get a piece of shits back!! I really work so hard on assignment, i didn't do infront of you all doesn't mean that i'm not working hard!!!! How many times i cried in the midnight just because i feel tired? i feel so helpless, everything is just about tired. I just trying so hard to be better but at least i'm still a shit on your mind.

I don't even know what i'm taking, i went to college at night and do assignment until midnight, they know about it? They don't, even they knew, they just thought i'm going somewhere else to play.


OrangeMoon - eva

Here are some photoshooting photo's of 10 october 2010.
model: eva tan
Photographer: samuel siaw, steven loke, Sapi and me
location: bukit jalil



說真的,感情事外人管得多少? 能給得是意見而不是幫別人去想那些多餘得。
難道真的要騙自己一世? 過一輩子不愉快的生活?你們不了解!
一段感情不一定是被拋棄的那個最傷心,說出分手需要多大的勇氣,說出分手的那個心裡有多痛誰知道? 偷偷躲著哭泣又有誰知道? 就算常常在大家面前假裝無所謂假裝看得開假裝開心又怎樣? 要做回自己嗎? 在這個社會上要做回自己真的可以嗎?我只是想要一個能夠安心讓我靠的肩膀,一個能夠挨我埋怨受我氣又會逗我開心的肩膀。真的很難~
我,只會在自己喜歡得人面前露出自己脆弱的一面。又有誰能瞭解我? 你們這些只看表面的人不可能會明白!就讓這些繼續下去吧。 我不會為自己辨別,就這樣下去吧~



After a really busy week, didn't really rest well but went for some photo shooting with friends!!
Although just be friend's model because of assignment but i had fun that day~
This one took by cheng cheng.

 this one took by ah bee...
love it so much.
look like READY FOR WAR!!
This by Melvin.
When you are in trouble or stress, just shout it out!!!

Still got many photo haven't touch up, will upload it as soon as possible!



live are always better and give me more feel on it. thanks khalil~

Bukit Bintang site analysis- finished!

Didn't update my blog for almost 2 weeks i guess, i'm so sorry about it because recently was really too busy. So, i think we spent almost a week in chloe's house for model and stay over there for a week. This was the first time i never went home for such a long period. So here some process,

Mostly are in the middle of the night... 


 during presentation~~
opps, i'm so serious!!

Group photo after presentation with Macy.
I think johnson is not inside. haha

And guess what?! Stay over chloe's house for a week and now i don't scare this dog name BOBBY!!!
It's so cute and obedient and such a poser. I miss bobby!!!!